Barbara Pryor works along side the Matson Consulting team to provide expertise in rural development. Pryor was a Senior Director in Public Policy for the Casey Family Programs since 2013. Prior to Casey Family Programs, Barbara worked on Capitol Hill for Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) from 1985 until 2013 serving in various roles, including Deputy Press Secretary and Special Projects and Outreach Coordinator. From 1990 until 2013, she was also a Legislative Assistant (LA) handling a range of social programs on seniors, children, and veterans, along with education and science.
During her years with Senator Rockefeller, Barbara was the primary LA for work on the family preservation and family support funding in 1993; The Adoption and Safe Families Act in 1997; The Foster Care Independence Act in 1999; the Strengthening Abuse and Neglect Courts Act in 2000; Safe and Stable Families Reauthorization Act in 2002; The Child and Family Services Improvement Act in 2006; Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act in 2008; and The Child and Family Services Improvement and Innovation Act in 2011.
She graduated in 1983 from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service with a BS in history.