Matson Consulting has extensive experience working with projects involved in livestock and poultry growing and processing operations. The production and processing of beef, poultry, and pork are all areas in which we have gained knowledge and understanding so that we can better help clients take advantage of opportunities to sustain, expand, and thrive.
We are dedicated to ensuring that the expertise we provide is of the highest quality. Working with clients in all of the above areas has given us a familiarity and better understanding of how the industry works and what it takes for a business to be successful in it. Matson Consulting has completed feasibility studies, business plans, and grant applications for clients with livestock and poultry production and processing ventures, each time giving us more insight into how we can best assist processors and farmers in taking their businesses to the next stage of growth.
We have multiple examples of work related to the meat processing and marketing industry:
A Study of Small-Volume Red Meat Processing in Virginia
View “Study of Small-Volume Red Meat Processing” This guide was developed by Matson Consulting in partnership with Virginia FAIRS. It provides information on typical operations and establishment of a red meat processing facility in Virginia.
New Poultry Processing Plant Bolsters Virginia's Small-Scale Producers.
View “New Poultry Processing Plant” This article published in the USDA Rural Cooperatives magazine examines the work which Matson Consulting and VA FAIRS has done with Shenandoah Processing in Virginia. The processing facility works to help smaller scale and organic chicken farmers get their product to market.
Is a National Pork Marketing Cooperative Viable? A case study of Pork America within the context of structural change in the US pork industry.
View “Is a National Pork Marketing Cooperative Viable?” This case study looks at the development of cooperative pork processing operations and the viability of Pork America’s business model.
Business Plan for Smith's Beef of America.
View “Business Plan for Smith’s Beef of America” This business plan is an example of Matson Consulting’s knowledge of the beef industry, as well as our experience in creating business plans for meat processing clients.