With growing interest in the use of biofuel and alternative energy industries, Matson Consulting is prepared to assist businesses with breaking into this market. We have developed experience and knowledge in this and other similar industries through research and working with clients in order to help them meet their needs through feasibility studies and grant applications.
Biofuels, whether from growing corn for ethanol or harnessing cow manure using a bio-digester, can offer an additional income source for producers. Numerous varieties of crops can be harnessed for biofuel production, allowing farmers to diversify and create a positive environmental impact through the use of alternative energy.
Similarly, composting allows for farmers to increase their soil quality without the use of chemical fertilizers. Waste matter from plants and animals that normally would serve no purpose can be put to use through composting which can save producers time and money on waste disposal and cleanup.
The Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) is an example of a grant program which producers and rural businesses can use to fund energy efficiency and renewable energy projects and updates. The grant is aimed towards small scale businesses and agricultural producers, as well as organizations which conduct energy audits and help inform other rural producers and businesses about the benefits of alternative energy. For more information, visit our REAP page.
An example of the dedication that Matson Consulting has to alternative energy can be seen in our published case study, “Van Der Hyde Dairy, Inc. (Anaerobic Digester).” Matson worked with Van Der Hyde Dairy on a feasibility study, as well as on additional grant assistance, in order to help them upgrade their facility’s infrastructure to make use of a readily available alternative energy.